Category Archives: Family

Adeline & Elodie

Prior to their in home session, Chantal expressed her concerns on how big sister Elodie would approach a photo session staring her new baby sister. To be honest, I usually take a big calming breath before I arrive at these sessions too! You just never know how a toddler will act when the cameras come...

Creber Family

I’m sitting at my desk typing this blog post with chilly fingers and big wooly socks but I can still remember the sweat running down my back during this fun family photo session! It had to be the hottest day of the year but I think we still knocked it out of the park. How...

Lewis Family

When Danielle prepared her family for a photo session, I don’t think she envisioned her son running full tilt into the lake mere minutes in to the shoot…I also don’t think anyone would have crossed their fingers for a storm to roll down the beach towards us…but the fact that they rolled with it makes...


I think this may have been my first sisters only photo session. Emilia and Ingrid rocked it out! I know their mama sure was happy to have some photos of her beautiful girls and the bond that they share. xx Lindsay.

Bhangu Family

Sukhi is expecting baby number 3 this fall and her husband surprised her with a gift certificate for family photos (what a fabulous idea!) We met at High Park on a VERY warm day so I could chase their handsome boys around with my camera. I received the following in an email from Sukhi when...

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